SOS Campaign:
Stop The Cull

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Cull / verb / ‘to reduce the population of a wild animal by a selective slaughter’ The Oxford English Dictionary.

The number of shark bite incidents occurring each year is directly related to the amount of time people spend in the ocean. With increasingly more people venturing out into the oceans every year, the likelihood of someone encountering a shark increases, with which there is very likely to be a corresponding increase in shark bite incidents. Therefore, an increase in the number of shark bites should not automatically be inferred as an increase in the local population of sharks, or an increase in the aggressive behaviour of these sharks. Unfortunately, however, the vicious reputation of sharks ignited by Hollywood (through movies like Jaws), is often fuelled by the international media, which means that the public rarely oppose the killing of sharks.

Join our campaign to Stop The Cull and encourage people to protect sharks and better educate themselves on how to stay safe in the ocean. Learn more About the Stop The Cull campaign here.