Shark Conservation


It is predicted that up to 273 million sharks are killed, by humans,  every year, with an average of approximately 100 million. This equates to an average of almost 274,000 sharks every day. Check out the shark counter above to see how many sharks (on average) are predicted to have been killed so far this year.  With so many sharks being taken from our oceans the time for action is now.  We are actively involved in shark conservation efforts around the world and encourages all SOS visitors to get involved and make a difference.  Shark protection and conservation is of upmost importance if we wish to maintain a healthy balance in the world's oceans. To learn more about the important role that sharks play in the ocean take a look at the links below.


Myths about sharks    Threats to sharks    Why protect sharks?   

 Get involved in shark conservation    Support Our Sharks Campaigns    Shark Conservation Petitions